Anonymous Testimonials:
"Having sessions with you has given me the confidence to know I can work through the shortfalls of my own parenting, and to be able to admit when I can't handle something. I have been learning to be able to say that without feeling like a terrible person. It's hard for me to look at my limitations because I've never admitted to those before. Acceptance is really big for me, and very much a focus right now. I don't feel like I'm floundering anymore. When I come to you with problems now, I know I will show up with more of it already figured out."
Learning how to manage my social anxiety and learning my value has helped. I've learned to value and appreciate myself. I have a better self-image. I know people look up to me and I'm a good mom. People are valuing me, my thoughts, and my opinions."
"It's good to hear that validation from someone that knows what they're talking about. I appreciate how you put a label on what I'm feeling and helped me understand why I'm feeling that way. My anger has been better. I've been trying to curb that. I know that it's irrational and it's not being the kind of person that I want to be, so I stop to think for a minute about how I want to handle the situation. I haven't been getting anxious at school or in large groups. I think my focus has improved. Before, I could not hunker down and do what I needed to do. Now, I'm able to eventually get into a focused state after a period of procrastination, and power through the work."
“I needed to find me again. I know I’m coming from a healthy headspace now. I don’t feel drawn to that immense sadness anymore. I’m really okay with myself now, whereas before, I thought I was the problem. I didn’t know I could be this version of myself. I get to be the narrator. I have a choice. I’ve been really good at pausing when emotions come up, which is something that hasn’t been in my toolbox for my entire life. I give myself space to work through my feelings before reacting. Then I’m able to have a conversation. My needs are met because I’m articulating them safely. Before, I was used to leaning on others to take care of me without realizing I can take care of myself.”
"This was probably my best experience with therapy ever. I learned a lot and worked through a lot of things I didn't even know I needed to work on.
“We instantly connected on the relatability, and we also built this trust. You understood me, and when I didn’t know why I was feeling a certain way, you would ask all the right questions, and we would come to the right conclusion together.”
"I definitely feel like those goals have been met. I'm finally able to say, 'that's not real; that was a feeling.' I don't think I've ever been able to say that before. You helped me so much. The guidance, so persistently being on my side. I could never thank you enough."
"Talking to you today made me realize that I've been trying to put it on other people to be my security blanket and make my decisions. Then I blamed them when it failed. I can only control me, and I want to be my own security blanket. I want to own the choices I make. I need to be real with myself, living in the reality of the moment, and ask myself the tough questions. I'm going to write some of these things out, like "What's the worst that can happen?" and "What do I need to focus on today?" I can feel progress. I feel the improvement. It does feel good to hear that I'm normal, and I always feel better after we talk."
“You help me by showing me another way of looking at things and by giving me a place to say things I can’t say anywhere else.”
“You’ve been the one constant person where I go to talk and to cry. I am so grateful for that. To find you, and to mesh with you, was so important to me. Having someone to sit with me and let me talk through everything, to have this safe place to come to on a regular basis, it meant the world to me.”
"It's not often that someone listens to me. Someone who is neutral and nonjudgmental and doesn't make assumptions in a toxic way. It only happens every other week on a Tuesday."
“It’s really interesting to think about what I came in with, versus where I am now. I feel like I’m stronger in general. I feel more confident and capable. I know I’ll be okay no matter what. Through doing this, I have more clarity about a lot of my life and relationships.”
"My core way of thinking has changed."
Learning how to manage my social anxiety and learning my value has helped. I've learned to value and appreciate myself. I have a better self-image. I know people look up to me and I'm a good mom. People are valuing me, my thoughts, and my opinions."
"It's good to hear that validation from someone that knows what they're talking about. I appreciate how you put a label on what I'm feeling and helped me understand why I'm feeling that way. My anger has been better. I've been trying to curb that. I know that it's irrational and it's not being the kind of person that I want to be, so I stop to think for a minute about how I want to handle the situation. I haven't been getting anxious at school or in large groups. I think my focus has improved. Before, I could not hunker down and do what I needed to do. Now, I'm able to eventually get into a focused state after a period of procrastination, and power through the work."
“I needed to find me again. I know I’m coming from a healthy headspace now. I don’t feel drawn to that immense sadness anymore. I’m really okay with myself now, whereas before, I thought I was the problem. I didn’t know I could be this version of myself. I get to be the narrator. I have a choice. I’ve been really good at pausing when emotions come up, which is something that hasn’t been in my toolbox for my entire life. I give myself space to work through my feelings before reacting. Then I’m able to have a conversation. My needs are met because I’m articulating them safely. Before, I was used to leaning on others to take care of me without realizing I can take care of myself.”
"This was probably my best experience with therapy ever. I learned a lot and worked through a lot of things I didn't even know I needed to work on.
“We instantly connected on the relatability, and we also built this trust. You understood me, and when I didn’t know why I was feeling a certain way, you would ask all the right questions, and we would come to the right conclusion together.”
"I definitely feel like those goals have been met. I'm finally able to say, 'that's not real; that was a feeling.' I don't think I've ever been able to say that before. You helped me so much. The guidance, so persistently being on my side. I could never thank you enough."
"Talking to you today made me realize that I've been trying to put it on other people to be my security blanket and make my decisions. Then I blamed them when it failed. I can only control me, and I want to be my own security blanket. I want to own the choices I make. I need to be real with myself, living in the reality of the moment, and ask myself the tough questions. I'm going to write some of these things out, like "What's the worst that can happen?" and "What do I need to focus on today?" I can feel progress. I feel the improvement. It does feel good to hear that I'm normal, and I always feel better after we talk."
“You help me by showing me another way of looking at things and by giving me a place to say things I can’t say anywhere else.”
“You’ve been the one constant person where I go to talk and to cry. I am so grateful for that. To find you, and to mesh with you, was so important to me. Having someone to sit with me and let me talk through everything, to have this safe place to come to on a regular basis, it meant the world to me.”
"It's not often that someone listens to me. Someone who is neutral and nonjudgmental and doesn't make assumptions in a toxic way. It only happens every other week on a Tuesday."
“It’s really interesting to think about what I came in with, versus where I am now. I feel like I’m stronger in general. I feel more confident and capable. I know I’ll be okay no matter what. Through doing this, I have more clarity about a lot of my life and relationships.”
"My core way of thinking has changed."